StainIN™ GREEN Nucleic Acid Stain
- Staining of NA in agarose and polyacrylamide gels during electrophoresis for ssDNA, dsDNA and RNA visualization and gel documentation.
- Blue LED detection, excellent for cloning applications.
- UV detection.
- Much more safe alternative to ethidium bromide, more economical alternative to competing green dyes.
- Unique – has two emission peaks, colors DNA in green, RNA in red.
- Highly sensitive NA detection - up to 4x more sensitive than EtBr.
- Time saving – in gel stain, no post- run staining, no destaining.
StainIN™ GREEN Nucleic Acid Stain
Product information "StainIN™ GREEN Nucleic Acid Stain "
StainIN™ GREEN Nucleic Acid Stain is a significantly safer alternative to ethidium bromide.
Carcinogenicity and toxicity of the widely used Ethidium Bromide (EtBr) is one of the biggest safety and environmental problems in the labs where gel electrophoresis is a daily routine. The less toxic nucleic acid dyes address this problem and minimize concerns.
The StainIN™ GREEN (SYBR Green-like stains alternative), (SYBR® Green is a registered trade mark of Molecular Probes Inc.) and StainIN™ eco-RED Nucleic Acid Stains by highQu provide a much less-carcinogenic, significantly safer alternative to EtBr while delivering even several times higher detection sensitivity. Same like EtBr, these stains are used during the process of electrophoresis in an agarose gel or PAAG and in the electrophoresis running buffer.
Nucleic acid stains are typically divided into two groups – they are either intercalating dyes or minor groove binders. The StainIN™ GREEN and StainIN™ eco-RED Nucleic Acid Stains belong to the group of intercalating dyes that bind to NA and produce the fluorescence signal. Same like many other suppliers of similar products, highQu retains the right to keep the precise chemical information undisclosed and proprietary.
The StainIN™ GREEN Nucleic Acid Stain as well as the StainIN™ eco-RED Nucleic Acid Stain are both supplied in water. Detailed safety information is available in MSDS sheets of the stains.
Despite proven less mutagenicity, all nucleic acid stains, including SYBR® Green or other shall be handled with care.
Used electrophoresis buffer with a stain as well as melted gels shall be run through approved (carbon) filters. If the absence of residual fluorescence is confirmed, the liquids can be disposed with plenty of water down the drain.
Alternatively, all used liquids can be autoclaved as the StainIN™ GREEN and StainIN™ eco-RED Nucleic Acid Stains degrade during the long exposure to above 100ºC temperature.
The safety office shall be consulted periodically to match local regulations, as they vary and change.
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