High quality DNA ladders for agarose gel electrophoresis – Take5™ DNA ladders of different size range

Select the best fitting product from the guide presented bellow. Ask for a sample to try 


Ladder bands in bp, starting from 1 kb in kb, all reference bands in bold

Take5™ 50 bp DNA Ladder 50-100-150-200-250-300-350-400-500-600-700-800-900--1-1,2--1,5
Take5™ 100 bp DNA Ladder ---100-----200-----300-----400-500-600-700-800-900--1------1,5----------3
Take5™ 1kb DNA Ladder ---100-----200-----300-----400-500-600-700-800-900--1------1,5--2--2,5--3-4-5-6--8--10
Take5™ HR DNA Ladder ---------------250-------------500-------750--------1------1,5--2--2,5--3-4-5-6--8--10----25


How to run agarose gel electrophoresis?


Agarose gel electrophoresis allows DNA fragments to be separated according to differing molecular mass and to be visualized. To perform agarose gel electrophoresis, one needs several tools. These are: agarose powder or TBE buffer, gel pouring plate and combs, nucleic acid stain, DNA samples and DNA ladders. Electrophoresis is performed in a special gel electrophoresis unit connected to the power supply. To estimate the size of the DNA fragments, the similar sized DNA ladders are loaded on the same agarose gel.


DNA fragments


The DNA fragments are visualized using UV transilluminator or Blue LED light. Overall, agarose gel electrophoresis is a simple and fast method for separating and visualizing relatively large DNA fragments, for fragments below 100 or 50 base pairs polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is recommended to achieve better separation of small DNA molecules. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is however more complex and involves the use of toxic acrylamide compounds.


To save time, both agarose and polyacrylamide gels can be purchased in a ready to use gels format, what makes the gel electrophoresis process much faster and simpler.

Professionally Simple