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ORA™ qPCR Probe ROX H Mix


  • qPCR assays based on specific probes such as TaqMan®, Molecular Beacons, Scorpions™ Probes.
  • Gene expression analysis, quantification of gDNA, cDNA, viral DNA, low copy number genes.


  • Universal - both standard and fast cycling, all probe qPCR assays.
  • qPCR of GC or AT rich templates, single-plex & multiplexing.
  • Rapid extension, early Ct.
  • Supplied with PCR Water.

ORA™ qPCR Probe ROX H Mix

Product information "ORA™ qPCR Probe ROX H Mix"

highQu qPCR master mixes are based on the small molecular inhibitor technology Hot Start PCR allowing to achieve highest sensitivity and specificity under both standard and fast qPCR cycling conditions. They provide excellent results on both AT and GC rich templates, in multiplexing and guaranty rapid extension with early Ct values with minimum or no optimization.
Our master mixes are supplied with PCR Water to guaranty the best performance. To suit the broad instrument range the ORA™ qPCR Probe Master mixes are available in three versions – without ROX, with low or high ROX concentration.

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