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Unlock PCR Multiplexing: Robust Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase for superior PCR results

Unlock PCR Multiplexing: Robust Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase for superior PCR results


  • Hot-start PCR up to 6 kb, Low copy target detection.
  • PCR of complex (GC rich) templates.
  • Fast PCR, multiplexing, TA cloning.


  • Higher yields, no background in standard or fast PCR.
  • Success on longer (6 kb) or GC rich templates, in crude sample PCR.
  • 5X ALLin™ PCR Buffer contains optimal Mg2+ and dNTPs.

ALLin™ Hot Start Taq Polymerase

Product information "ALLin™ Hot Start Taq Polymerase"

highQu ALLin™ Hot Start Taq Polymerase is the superior sensitive hot-start DNA polymerase. The enzyme activity at room temperature is blocked by a small molecular inhibitor. Enzyme becomes active only after heating what allows for highly specific and extremely sensitive amplification, no primer dimer formation occurs and no background appears.

In combination with the optimized ALLin™ buffer enzyme provides higher success rates in demanding PCR applications like amplification of complex or longer templates and fast cycling. ALLin™ Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase has the same PCR accuracy like Taq DNA Polymerase, 4.5 x 10^4 (nucleotides incorporated before the error occurs) and produces A-tailed products suitable for ligating into TA cloning vectors.

For the maximum convenience the ALLin™ Hot Start Taq Mastermix, 2X is available. 


Hot start DNA polymerase is a modified version of the recombinant Taq DNA polymerase enzyme, designed to prevent non-specific amplification and primer-dimer formation during the early stages of the PCR setup.
Hot start DNA polymerase is inactive at lower temperatures, typically at room temperature, due to the presence of an inhibitory molecule, typically small protein or antibody. This inhibition prevents the polymerase from extending non-specifically bound primers or generating primer-dimers during the reaction setup. Once the Hot start DNA polymerase reaction is heated to the optimal temperature, usually around 95°C, the inhibitory molecule is denatured, and the polymerase becomes activated (not inhibited), enabling DNA amplification to proceed.

Hot start DNA polymerase are commonly used in PCR applications where there is a high risk of non-specific amplification, such as amplification of complex templates with high genomic complexity or having multiple template/primer sets in one reaction (multiplexing). Hot start polymerases are available as stand-alone enzymes or as master mixes with all Hot start DNA polymerase reaction components premixed in one tube.


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